Writing Prompts

Here are some writing prompts and my responses to them. Feel free to share your responses to the same prompts or responses to prompts that have made you feel your most creative.

"Tiny" Prompt: What's the highlight of your day so far.
Response: A salve for a bad dream

"Tiny" Prompt: How's it going? Write the honest answer.
Response: Today is a medium day.

"Tiny" Prompt: What would be your three tiny wishes
Response: Tiny, tiny wishes

Prompt: Write about a really happy day you remember.
Response: My Daughter Goes to the Zoo

Prompt: Write about the weather outside your window or the weather you wish you had.
Response: A Dreary Day

Prompt: Write a story or scene featuring someone who knows he/she is a character in a story (character breaks the fourth wall).
Response: Stewing in the Checkout Line

Prompt: Write about your (or your character's) favorite summer of all time.
Response: The best spot at the lake.
