Writing prompt: How's it going?

I want to write, but I have a lot of other tasks to tackle today, so here's another from 642 Tiny Things To Write About.

Prompt: How's it going? Write the honest answer.

My response

Today is a medium day. I've accomplished two tasks so far. I've gone to the gym, and I've written this blog post. Now I can move on to other things — making beaded earrings, taking my daughter to Girl Scouts, listening to an audiobook — as I try to shut out the noise from today's news. Paying attention to it only seems to make me angry.

I did do something else today: I searched the internet for available jobs for someone with my skill set. I found a few, but they are all an hour and a half from my front door. I'll still apply, but I feel discouraged by how few jobs I've seen close by.

So I'll keep my mind busy. I'll plug into a world created by another author for a while as I do some beadwork, at least until it's time for Girl Scouts. Then, I'll cross more tasks off my to-do list.
