Journaling for writing ideas

Journaling to generate writing ideas
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A few days ago, I read a post on Medium from a man who wrote that he journals every day. He starts his entries by listing what in his life he’s grateful for. Then he moves on to listing ideas for his writing, and so on.

I’ve been struggling over the past couple of weeks to find something to write. I don’t want to do prompts every day (though I acknowledge that may be what I need), so I’ve started journaling, too. Like the author of the Medium post,* I’ve started each entry by writing about the things I’m grateful for: That my daughter helped with the dishes yesterday without complaining, that while my husband and I are still jobless, we’re still getting by at this point, etc.

And then I move on to ideas. Not every one has to be a good idea, the author wrote. As a matter of fact, most of them won’t be, but journaling can get the pumping out more ideas, and some of them will definitely be good ones.

So far, I  have no felt not rush of creativity, but then, I didn’t expect to. Like everything else I’m working on right now, the goal is to get back to feeling like I can write, like I am a writer.

I’m getting there.

*I’d post a link to the Medium post, but I can’t find it again. I’m starting to wonder if I just dreamed the whole thing. 
