Online writing jobs make me leery

(Image by Firmbee/

Over the past decade or so, every now and then I'll venture out into cyber space to see if there is a place where I can earn a living as a writer. I've even signed up for a few and took a few jobs. None paid well, though if I worked with a particular site long enough, ideally, I'd be able to get more money per word. However, taking an assignment here and there doesn't get you there quickly. So I'd get discouraged and quit.

While I've been out of work these past few weeks, I've thought about looking into online writing websites again, trying to find ones that pay decently. Now, at least, I have the time to take more than just an occasional assignment. But still, I wish I knew some secret formula for finding the tried-and-true websites, the ones offering a fair wage for writers and pay when and how much they promise.

I found one that met my criteria back when I was pregnant with my daughter. However, I didn't think that I'd be able to do the work and be a mom and full-time employee somewhere else. If only I could remember the name of the site now. 

Do you write online? Do you recommend any sites? If so, please share. Thanks!
