Here's a post I created just so I can say I wrote today


No matter what, it seems, there are never enough hours in the day.

I knew about two weeks before I left my job that my last day was approaching. (I accepted a buyout offer.) During that time, I had big plans for how I'd spend my days before I got a new job. I'd be writing, of course, at least a little every chance I get. And I'd job hunt.

The rest of the time, I'd be getting my house in order. All of my home improvement projects would be finished within a week, tops. I'd go through every drawer and closet and toss out everything my family no longer needs. 

And I'd volunteer. I hadn't decided if I'd help out at a local hospital or at the history museum, or maybe some other nonprofit, but I would definitely be donating my time to my community.

But of course, that's not how it's been.

Well, it's been three weeks now since I left my job. I've looked for work every day. I've also done some writing most days. What I haven't done is anything else I'd planned. Not yet anyway.

One reason is writing has taken more of my time than I expected. I thought I'd limit myself to about to an hour a day. But I'm a slow writer, especially when I'm out of practice, like now. So completing just one post, either for this blog or one of my others, has taken me as long as five hours on occasion.

And then there's the fact all that other stuff that I'd hoped to get done around the house seems so ... daunting. It's hard to begin when you can't decide where to begin.

But I want my time off work to be productive overall, so today, I'm writing this rambling post so I can say I wrote today. And then I need to move on to something else.
