An inspirational writing space

My writing space takes up about a small section of my living room. It includes a messy desk, an aged laptop, and view of some of my daughter's artwork and family photographs. It's a place of TV noises and frequent interruptions from my seven-year-old.

If I really want to get serious about writing, I may need to make a change.

In a post on its website, NY Book Editors recommends a space that offers some privacy where there will be few, if any, interruptions. Not too long ago, I had that. My husband and I own a three-bedroom home, and for a while, we had our shared bedroom and used the remaining two as private offices. But then our daughter came along, and because my husband has tons of collectibles, I gave up my space so she could have her own room.

My husband and I have discussed moving our bedroom to where his home office is and combining the master bedroom into an office for both of us. It's been on my mind a lot more lately.

The same NY Book Editors post also recommends decluttering, but a quick view on a Pinterest board of writing spaces suggests not all published authors need a clutter-free area to be productive.

If I were to build my idea of the perfect writing space, it would be in an attic with a window and gorgeous view of nature. I'd be able to open the window and hear birds chirping and the wind rustling through trees and feel the temperature and light shift as a thunderstorm rolls in on a warm summer day. It'd be filled with images of things I love — photos of family and my daughter's drawings.

That, I think, would be inspiring. The location is just a pipe dream, because our "attic" is the unfinished variety full of exposed insulation, wiring, and heat-and-air hoses.

But as I write this rambling post, I can find inspiration in my surroundings as is.

Take, for example, this drawing my daughter did a year or so ago.

It's right above my desk. I see it every day, but today, for the first time ever, I wondered why the alicorn (According to my daughter, an alicorn is a unicorn with wings in the My Little Pony universe.) is listening to music and what kind of music a mythical creature would like. Classic rock? Alternative? Top 40 hits? If I were to build on the universe in this picture, what would I add?

Maybe I don't need the attic space after all to feel inspired.

But I do agree I could probably accomplish a lot more if I had fewer interruptions.
