On notebooks, pens, and pencils

(Richard Fincher/FreeRangeStock.com)

The yellow "Clearance" signs on the Walmart sidewalk caught my eye as my daughter and I cruised the parking lot for a space. Then I saw the merchandise, and I knew we'd be sidewalk shopping before we headed into the store.

School supplies. I love school supplies; I always have. From grade school through college, I enjoyed writing on the first those few pristine pages of a new notebook with a freshly sharpened pencil.

These days, I write at a keyboard, and at the job I had, I wrote mostly in short bursts — one sentence here, a couple sentences there. But I always keep pen and paper handy. I make a lot of notes on Post-Its and small notebooks as I go along. Sometimes, they're important notes I'll refer to later, but more often than not, I'll still just like the action of writing something by hand.

So I bought a couple of three notebooks and a pack of markers before my daughter and I headed into the store to buy the groceries we initially were after.

I figured they would come in handy as I work toward my next job.
